Tuesday, 8 May 2018

What is Sessions- PHP Training

What is Sessions?

Sessions are a clean way to store data for originals users against a unique session ID. This 
can be used to continue state data between page requests. Session IDs are simply sent to the 
browser via session cookies and the ID is used to fetch actual session data. The absence of an
 ID or session cookie lets PHP know to build a new session, and achieve a new session ID.
Sessions follow a simple system. When a session is started, PHP will either retrieve an existing 
session using the ID passed or if no session is catch it will create a new session. PHP will 
colonize  the $_SESSION superglobal with any discussions data after the session has started. 
When PHP shuts down, it will naturally take the contents of the $_SESSION superglobal, 
serialize it, and send it for storage accepting the session save handler. Learn PHP using 
sessions with PHP Training in Chandigarh

PHP Training in Chandigarh
The advantages of using session state are:

• It is easy to applicable and is just similar to using View State.
• Appliance of data is very fast as it stock session data in memory object of the modern 
application domain.
• It ensures platform scalability and it works in the multi-process composition.
• Also it ensures data endurance, since the session state retains data even if ASP.NET work 
process restarts .

The disadvantages of using session state are:

• As the session state data is gathered in server memory, it is not desirable to use session 
state when you are working with large sum of data.
• With the use of Session state, it will distribute the performance of memory, because session 
state variable stays in memory until you destroy the state.
• If the worker Process and application domain convert all session data will be lost.
• We can't use it in web Garden outline and is not suitable for web farm scenarios also. 
PHP Training in Chandigarh used to design website design and website development.


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